I Want My Ex Back Now
Have you been dealing with the thoughts of "I want my ex back?" Whether this has come as a sudden revelation, or you've known it since the time you split up, it is definitely not impossible for you to get your desire. It may seem impossible to you -- especially if you've been on the warpath and doing everything you can think of to bring him or her back into your arms and have only been met with stubborn rejection.
If you are like most people, your strategy includes calling, emailing, messaging, or even sending letters. It includes sending gifts or surprises. It includes begging, and promising, and crying. The bad news is that this type of desperate behavior is actually pushing your ex further away, and confirming in his or her mind that it was the right decision to split up.
After all, who wants a whiney, weak, desperate partner, right? But the good news is that the real strategy to get your ex back will work much better, and maybe even faster, if you have been displaying the previously described type of behavior.
So, it's time to turn things around in order to meet your goal of "I want my ex back now". First and foremost, you need to stay away from your ex. This means leave him or her completely alone. No more phone calls, messages, or notes.
One of the purposes of this is to give her the time to miss you a little bit. But the main purpose is to get you back into your tip top shape. The focus in this phase is on you--not your ex.
You need to forget about him or her as much as possible. This can be hard but many find that it is actually a relief. It's easier to forget than to continuously think of what you will say when you call him or her next and to brace yourself for the inevitable rejection. Thinking of yourself means that you will start eating the right foods, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Try to cut down on junk food and alcohol.
And make sure you get enough sleep. This is also hard when you're going through emotional turmoil. But getting enough sleep will make you feel calmer and make you look better. Not getting enough sleep makes you look haggard.
Also, make sure that you are not staying pent up in your home. Try to go out with friends, join volunteer groups, or take up a hobby that gets you out of the house. While it's important to have some time on your own, you don't want to dig yourself into a depression by being alone all the time and going over and over the events which led up to your breakup or the aftermath, etc.
This is the first step in the "I want my ex back" campaign. If you do it right, you will be on your way to having your ex back in your arms.
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