If you want to know how to get an ex boyfriend back the best answer I can give you is to figure out what you did wrong, change it, let him see the changes and hope for the best. It may sound lame but that is actually very good advice and it works more often than not.
But, there are some pitfalls you have to watch out for. For one thing, you shouldn't accept total responsibility unless you really are totally responsible. Women are very bad at trying to fix relationships, they will often carry more of the burden than they should. It's great that you want to find and fix whatever problems you have, you should, by all means, but don't take all the blame if all the blame isn't yours.
If you're not sure you can be as objective as you should be, just talk to friends and family. Listen to what they have to say about your ex. Don't stick up for your ex, listen honestly and openly. Come from a place where you want to know the truth not from a place that you have to justify staying with someone who you maybe shouldn't stay with. That is not the best way to learn how to get an ex boyfriend back.
Once you've got a starting point on what you did wrong and what your ex did wrong, you can start to make changes. Of course, you can't change your ex. Only he can change if he really wants to, but starting on you will benefit you in two ways and that might be all it takes.
For one thing, you'll be a better person. It's like knowledge, no one can ever take that away from you. If you spend time improving yourself it will pay dividends throughout your life and with all your relationships, not just your romantic ones.
Also if you make changes and you and your ex do get back together it might spur him to make the changes he needs to make too. Sometimes we can use peer pressure in a good way. It's possible that he's so impressed with the woman that you've become that he wants to be a better man. If that happens your relationship can actually be better than it's ever been before.
Make the changes, but don't stop living your life and don't pester him all the time. Give him some space and enjoy your life. Then, after you've had time to figure things out and improve on who you are, call him. Ask him if he'd like to get together as friends ( I know, I used the 'f' word but at this point it's the best approach. If he thinks you're going to make a big scene about getting back together he won't meet you).
During this time just have fun. Don't worry about what will happen tomorrow just enjoy each others company and let him see who you've become. That one single thing is the best chance on how to get an ex boyfriend back.
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