Talking It Out
Are you asking the question: how can I get my girlfriend to love me again? Well if you are it means two things: one you are hurting and two you are willing to do what it takes to make things better again. There are almost always things you can do that will help you regain a love that has faded.
How difficult will it be, you may be asking yourself. Well, that depends on what went wrong in the first place. If your girlfriend and you just kind of 'fell out of love' over a period of time, it might actually be easier than if you did something wrong such as cheat on her or hurt her physically.
If you did either of those things you should seriously consider getting some counseling before you even attempt to get back with her. If you really care about her than you don't want to cause her any more pain. If you don't deal with whatever issues you have that caused you to act that way in the first place, you might just do it again. Take care of you first before you try to get back with her.
If nothing that dramatic happened in your relationship but maybe you both just kind of started to drift apart and take each other for granted, than it will most likely just be a case of letting her know that you still love her, you're sorry that things went wrong and you want to get the spark back.
Step one, call her and ask her out to dinner, or lunch, or coffee. talk to her calmly. Have fun. Don't make this 'date' a big deal. Keep it casual and friendly. Remind her of the man you are and the good times the two of you used to have before.
Don't blame her, take responsibility for the things you did wrong. Let her know that you think that the two of you can be happy again. Point out that now you know what went wrong the first time (it's actually kind of an advantage since you can avoid the same mistakes this time around). For now, just be friends and have fun. Let nature take it's course... again.
Don't expect to return right back to a physical relationship. Be ready to take time. Act almost as though you are just starting from scratch, like you are dating for the first time. Treat her as well as you did when you first met (and like you should have been treating her during your relationship).
Doing these things are your best bet for having her back in your arms and not ever having to ask the question: how can I get my girlfriend to love me again?
More than likely, she still has feelings for you. Talking about things out in the open can make a world of difference. That doesn't mean that it will happen overnight, but if the two of you can talk about how things fell apart and what you can do to not only get the love back but what you can do differently so it doesn't fall apart again, you can work things out and find happiness again.
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